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When Does DANA Weigh In? The Public Policy Committee Process

by Kristina Witt

The Public Policy Committee (PPC) is a standing committee in DANA dedicated to researching, debating, and recommending policy stances for DANA Board review. The PPC is composed of DANA members with varied interests-development, transportation, maintenance, and safety, to name a few. Although the majority of DANA's Board also serves on the PPC, we encourage additional general members to participate in the PPC to expand our issue coverage and the depth of that coverage.

The PPC takes its cues from varied sources, whether it's issues arising in City Council's conversations or emails from DANA members-as long as it matters to downtown stakeholders, we'll dig in. When an issue comes to the fore, PPC members discuss the relative merits and strive to reach consensus in order to bring a recommendation to the Board with confidence.    

Does this process take time? Yes. But the diversity of our membership and the variety of voices involved in the process assures that DANA won't take stances to garner favor with one stakeholder or group over another.  As an individual member or group, you have the assurance that your organization does not play favorites and will never work against your interests-never.

Is there an issue that you believe matters to downtown Austin stakeholders? Is there a stance you believe DANA should take? Let's get the discussion going. Contact a PPC member or join a meeting at info@downtownaustin.org.

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