February 2009
Vol. 3, Issue 2
URBAN CORE HAPPY HOUR: Please RSVP by Feb. 9th Thursday, February 12, 2009 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Blu @ 360 Nueces Street. (map)
Please join us at Blu Cafe, Bar and Lounge for this month’s Urban Core Happy Hour on Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 PM. Blu is located at the 360 Condominiums. Sponsoring this month’s event will be 360 Condominiums, where life surrounds you.
Avoid parking hassles and consider planning your trip using Cap Metro’s trip planner.

DANA PROVIDES WATER TO THIRSTY RUNNERS Would you like to participate in The Austin Marathon & Half Marathon, taking place on February 15th, but you forgot to start training months ago? Our friends at Caritas have asked DANA members to help pass out water to runners at the event. Many shifts are available throughout the morning. Contact Lindsay Wiebrand to sign up. This is a great opportunity to participate and have a front row seat to the action.
DANA PARTICIPATES IN DOWNTOWN AUSTIN PLAN The City of Austin and ROMA Design Group, with the help of HR&A Advisors, has begun work on Phase Two of the Downtown Austin Plan (DAP). At the urging of DANA, the City has charged ROMA with developing distinct districts downtown and to develop design and form guidelines for each district. DANA has met with ROMA and HR&A Advisors to discuss our goals for the Core, Northwest and Uptown Districts. We are very excited about the direction the plan is taking and we look forward to more work on the DAP this year! For more information on the DAP, click here.
DANA VOLUNTEERS WITH CARITAS Kudos to DANA members Monica Pizani, Walt Tashnick, Jennifer Wiebrand, Lindsay Wiebrand, and Ruth Framel, who helped In the Caritas Community Kitchen in January. Every weekday Caritas respectfully serves lunch to nearly 400 people.
DANA has committed to serving meals on the first Friday of every month. The shifts are from 9:30-11:30 and 11:30-1:30. Are you interested in making a difference downtown? Contact Lindsay Wiebrand to join your neighbors in this worthwhile and fun activity.
LOWER SHOAL CREEK CLEANUP DAY PLANNED Mark your calendar for March 7, 2009! It’s My Park Day, organized by the Austin Parks Foundation, is an annual community service day focused on improvements to Austin’s park system. There are park clean-up events happening all over Austin. Our own board member, Greg Anderson, is hosting the Lower Shoal Creek Clean Up. There will be music, drinks, snacks, trash bags and fun provided for the whole family. For more information, or to sign up, click here.
CAPITAL METRORAIL OPEN HOUSES Capital Metro invites the community to one of five open houses at neighborhood MetroRail stations in February. Check out the train, pick up a schedule, learn to use the new ticket vending machines and get all your questions answered. The Downtown Station open house is Feb. 27th, 2 PM- 7 PM. For more information, click here.
DOWNTOWN AUSTIN EMERGING PROJECTS – UPDATED POSTER The City of Austin periodically publishes a poster of emerging projects. The latest version was just released. The latest version shows projects under construction or being planned in Downtown Austin.
DANA ELECTS NEW BOARD MEMBERS In January we held our Annual Meeting at Ballet Austin and elected the following new Board members to serve for 2009 – 2011: Josh Allen, Greg Anderson, Randy Hammelman, Larry Schooler and Lindsay Wiebrand. We reelected the following Board members for a second term: Roger Cauvin, Jamie Lagarde, Will Steakley and David Weaver. Rounding out the board are current members: Jude Galligan, Shyama Golden, Marshall Jones and Bill McCann. Thanks go out to retiring Board members Jim Furrow, Rob McDaniel and Michael McGill. These dedicated men and women make DANA work for the benefit of all.
Why Downtown?
Why do you live, work, play or love downtown? Answering this question is newly elected DANA Board of Directors President, Jamie Lagarde.
I have lived in Austin for 12 years, but four years ago when I moved downtown, I found my home. Downtown Austin is a unique neighborhood quilted together of smaller neighborhoods, each possessing its own identity and distinction. We live in the heart of A
ustin’s culture and vibe, from where the best of our music, arts, food and wine flow. Downtown offers races for runners and bars for beer drinkers. Where else can you have all this, and still ride a bicycle to a UT game and enjoy Lady Bird Lake in your backyard? For me, it was an easy decision to move downtown, and I am honored to do my part to make downtown Austin a better place for everyone.
Special Thanks This month’s contributors were Greg Anderson, Ruth Framel, Jude Galligan, Marshall Jones, Jamie Lagarde and Lindsay Wiebrand.
DANA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play downtown. DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.