Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live in downtown. DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.
• Promote a range of downtown housing options.
• Improve the vibrancy of public spaces and historical assets.
• Support pedestrian-oriented development policies.
• Address safety and public nuisance concerns.
• Encourage mixed-use residential development.
• Organize resident social events.
• Communicate the economic and cultural benefits of a vibrant, densely-populated downtown to elected officials and the community at large.
• Promote civic activism amongst downtown residents.
Downtown residents organized the Downtown Neighborhood Association in 1997, stepping into the organizational shoes of a defunct entity by the same name that had been formed a few years before for other purposes. Around 2000, the DNA changed its name to the Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association (DANA). DANA adopted Articles of Association in January 2003, and received 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status in 2004.
Please view DANA’s by-laws here.
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association (DANA)
P.O. Box 997
Austin, TX 78767-0997
Board & Officers
The DANA Board of Directors is composed of fourteen members. Board Members are elected to two-year terms. The board members’ terms are staggered so that roughly 50% of the board positions are up for election each year.
The four executive officers of the Association (the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and the committee chairs are elected by the Board of Directors from among themselves at the beginning of each year.
The Board of Directors meets each month to review association business and discuss issues of importance to the residents of downtown Austin. With advance notice, any and all DANA members are welcome to attend.
2023 BOARD – Please send Board inquiries to info@downtownaustin.org.
Eric Goff
Phillip Wiley
Vice President
Maria Wiley
Marshall Geyer
Katelynn Nunez
Roger L. Cauvin
Kimberly Levinson
Cyrus Tehrani
Bob Bellin