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2014 Halloween Trick or Treating

Trick or Treating at The Shore Condos!
Thursday, October 30, 2014 – 5:30pm-7:00pm (after-party from 7-8)
Hosted by: The Shore Condos | 603 Davis St (transit)
Light refreshments will be provided.  All children MUST be accompanied by an adult!

2014 Halloween Flyer - DANA - 1

Friends of Wooldridge Square

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At the last Friends of Wooldridge Square (FOWS) meeting at the History Center, Michael McGill stepped down as Chair of FOWS and Charles Peveto and Mitchell McGovern stepped in as Co-Chairs of the group.  On September 27, National Public Lands Day, FOWS hosted a Volunteer Day from 8-11AM.  The volunteers focused on weeding the mulched areas around the Wooldridge trees.  FOWS will be scheduling a Mulch Day in Wooldridge sometime in November.

FOWS is working with DANA, DAA, APF, PARD and OANA on bringing back programming to Wooldridge Square.  Austin now has over fifteen thousand downtown residents and there is an even greater need for beautiful and functioning public space in Downtown Austin.  Wooldridge Square is one of three  remaining four public Squares leased to the City of Austin by the Sate of Texas in 1839, included as part of the city master plan drawn up by Edwin Waller. Wooldridge is the only Square that has retained it’s original historical integrity and the Square has three important historical designations: National Register of Historic Places, Austin City Landmark and State Archeological Landmark.  In 2012, PARD made the decision to close Wooldridge Square for one year to do major rehabilitation of the historic Square.  A complete new irrigation system, new turf and eleven new trees were installed at the Square, headed by PARD landscape architect Marty Stump.  Kim McKnight of PARD and Michael McGill & FOWS worked with preservation architect Tere O’Connell of Volz-O’Connell-Hutson Associates to develop  a rehabilitation plan for the historic Bandstand, designed in 1910 by Page Brothers.

On September 13-14 2013 DAA, APF, FOWS and all of our downtown partners welcomed all the citizens of Austin at a Re-Opening of the beautifully rehabilitated historic Wooldridge Square with a series of talks, celebration events, including three Austin Symphony performances three different weekends during last Fall.

FOWS continues to work with all of our downtown partners on finding appropriate programming for the park and finding a permanent food vendor that will service the park most mornings and lunch periods. FOWS is currently working with PARD to begin a formal planning process that will incorporate a public process for the next phase of Wooldridge Square. FOWS would like to welcome our downtown residents to join our group and contribute ideas and time on maintaining one of Austin’s true important gems!

On November 21 PARD will be receiving an award honoring the incredible work they performed at Wooldridge Square in the last two years!  The award is Preservation Austin’s award for “Preservation of a Cultural Landscape, and will be presented at the Annual Awards Luncheon at the Driskill Hotel, November 21, 11:30am-1:30pm.

Register to Vote!

Major issues are on the election ballot November 4: Mayor election, 10 Council members, transportation bonds…If you do not vote, your opinion will not count.

To be eligible to vote, you must have registered to vote no later than 30 days before the election. If you haven’t already done so, begin the registration process by clicking the registration form below. Then, just fill it out, print and sign it, and fax it to (512) 854-4840.



See the list of candidates for the November 2014 election here.

DANA I-35 Improvement Progress Forum

You’re Invited!
DANA I-35 Improvement Progress Forum
Saturday, September 27, 2014 – 10am-12noon
Eleven Apartments, Sky Lounge, 811 E. 11th St., 78702 (map | transit)


Join DANA, other informed neighbors, and a panel of experts for an interactive discussion regarding I-35 improvements. Our venue was specifically chosen for its excellent view of I-35!

Panelists to include:

  • *Mateo Barnstone, Chair, North Central I-35 Neighborhood Coalition (NCINC2)
  • *Greg Anderson, Policy Advisor, Office of Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole (tentative)
  • *Chris Riley, Council Member, District 9 Candidate
  • *Pam Power, President, Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association (DANA), Downtown Stakeholders Group
  • *Heyden Black Walker, Reconnect Austin, Downtown Stakeholders Group

Interactive discussion led by Cid Galindo, President, Congress for New Urbanism; Member, Downtown Stakeholders Group; and Board of Directors, Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association.

This event is FREE and open to the public, and complimentary light refreshments will be available.


10:05-10:15: Welcome
10:15-11:15: Interactive Discussion
11:15-11:30: What’s next?

Sept 24, 2014 ANC Candidate Forum Schedule and Format

ANC Candidate Forum Schedule and Format:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Format: 38 candidates- 5 minutes for each candidate- 1 minute introduction + 3 minutes for 1 question asked and answered + 1 minute closing= 5 minutes per candidate; 1 minute flex time between groups of candidates (for the moderator).

Candidates must arrive by the briefing times specified; otherwise, the candidate arriving late will not be able to participate in the forum. The “briefings” will be held in the Break Room, behind the Shudde Fath Conference room on the ground floor (signage available) at the Austin Energy Building, 721 Barton Springs Road on Wednesday, September 24, 2014.

Welcome and Introduction: ANC President, Mary Ingle (2 minutes)

Moderator: Lou McCreary


Mayoral Forum Schedule [total of 25 minutes needed for 5 mayoral candidates] Adler, Cole, Martinez, Orshalick, Phelps

5:45 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

6:02 PM – Forum Begins

6:27 PM – Forum Ends


Districts 1 and 2 Forum Schedule [total of 20 minutes needed for 4 candidates] Bucknall, Houston, Lofton, District 1; Garza, District 2

6:10 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

6:28 PM- Forum Begins

6:48 PM- Forum Ends


District 3 Forum Schedule [total of 35 minutes needed for 7 candidates]

Cantu, Hoerster, Ireland, McGhee, Phillips, Rangel, Renteria

6:30 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

6:49 PM – Forum Begins

7:24 PM – Forum Ends


District 4 Forum Schedule [total of 10 minutes needed for 2 candidates]

Casar, Pressley

7:10 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

7:24 PM – Forum Begins

7:34 PM – Forum Ends


7- 10 minute break approximately 7:34- 7:41 PM


District 5 Forum Schedule [total of 20 minutes needed for 4 candidates] Buda, Floyd, Kitchen, Rodriguez

7:25 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

7:42 PM – Forum Begins

8:02 PM – Forum Ends


Districts 6 Forum Schedule [total of 10 minutes needed for 2 candidates] Flannigan, Stillwell

7:45 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

8:03 PM – Forum Begins

8:13 PM – Forum Ends


District 7 Forum Schedule [total of 20 minutes needed for 4 candidates] Boyt, Pool, Salazar, Zone

7:55 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

8:14 PM – Forum Begins

8:34 PM – Forum Ends


District 10 Forum Schedule [total of 25 minutes needed for 5 candidates,

Cannon, Dealey, Gallo, Meeker, Worsham

8:15 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

8:35 PM- Forum Begins

9:00 PM- Forum Ends


District 9 Forum Schedule [total of 10 minutes needed for 2 candidates]

Riley, Tovo

8:40 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

9:01 PM – Forum Begins

9:11 PM – Forum Ends


District 8 Forum Schedule [total of 10 minutes needed for 2 candidates]

May, Scruggs

8:55 PM – Briefing (arrival time)

9:12 PM – Forum Begins

9:22 PM – Forum Ends


Closing Remarks– ANC President, Mary Ingle (2 min)

Break (approximately 6 minutes)


9:30 PM: ANC Endorsement Process will commence in Executive Session with its member representatives and members from current ANC member organizations. ANC will ask others- candidates, their staff and family members, the press, and non-members of ANC to leave before the endorsement session begins.

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