May 2009
May 2009
Vol. 3, Issue 5
URBAN CORE HAPPY HOUR: RSVP by May 12th Thursday, May 14, 2009 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm St. David’s Episcopal Church @ 301 E. 8th St. (map) (transit)
DANA Members, please join us at St. David’s Episcopal Church for this month’s Urban Core Happy Hour. Weather permitting, DANA members will be gathering in the Labyrinth. The St. David’s Labyrinth is a relaxing, public space created in the heart of downtown. In ancient times, a labyrinth was used as a meditative path that one walked while praying or meditating. While the St. David’s Labyrinth is a replica of the labyrinth at the Cathedral at Chartres, near Paris, the space was also created to reflect today’s need for peace, tranquility and functionality.
In 2001, St. David’s asked the city to vacate the East-West alley between San Jacinto and Trinity. In return, St. David’s created this quiet garden, which is available for public use 7 days a week. The St. David’s Labyrinth also features a soothing waterfall to enjoy while relaxing and reading a book, and an herb garden, which is used by St. David’s chefs to prepare gourmet meals.
In addition to the public space, the old alley now serves many purposes, including, the site of an underground electrical substation for Austin Energy, a bus stop for AISD students housed in St. David’s, a loading dock for the church, and an entrance to the entire St. David’s campus. The 6th Street District is currently discussing possible use of the loading dock as part of a late-night cabstand to service the busy entertainment district.
The St. David’s Labyrinth is an excellent example of how a downtown space can be redesigned for many purposes benefiting both the landowner and the public. Come see how much fun an old alley can be!
DANA MEMBERS INVITED TO THE TASTE OF SIXTH STREET Monday, May 4, 2009 7:30 pm El Sol y La Luna @ 6th and Red River (map) (transit)
You are invited to the Taste of Sixth Street, a very special evening of food, live music and fun. Enjoy passed appetizers and a five-course meal with paired wines from these 6th Street restaurants: Parkside, Alamo Drafthouse, Iron Cactus, BD Riley’s and El Sol y La Luna. Plus, sample the live music of Austin’s own Gina Chavez.
Current DANA Members will receive special discount pricing of $50 per ticket (1/3 off general admission). All proceeds from this event will benefit 6ixth Street Austin’s clean and safe initiatives, which benefit all who live, work and play downtown. 6ixth Street Austin, a non-profit association, is dedicated to making the E. Sixth Street National Historic District a source of pride to the entire Austin community. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.
CANNED FOOD DRIVE FOR CARITAS – A FRIENDLY COMPETITION! The DANA Social Team has cooked up another fun idea for downtown. Let’s find out which downtown building can share the most with Caritas. We’ll call it The Urban Core Friendly Neighborhood Can Food Competition.
Caritas will place food collection buckets in all participating buildings, residential and commercial, on Tuesday May 26th. Buckets will remain until Friday June 5th. Collected items will be measured, and a winner announced at the June Urban Core Happy Hour. The winning building receives powerful bragging rights, and all participating buildings will be named in the next newsletter. If your building would like to play, contact Lindsay Wiebrand, the Queen of Fun.
Please remember, DANA serves our neighbors in need in the Caritas Community Kitchen the 4th Friday of every month. Volunteer regularly, or just once in a while, by contacting Lindsay.
DOWNTOWN LIVING TOUR UPDATE Have you placed the 2009 Downtown Living Tour (DLT), scheduled for Sunday, October 11th, on your calendar? Lindsay Wiebrand, this year’s Chairman, is assembling her team, partnering with sponsors and selecting tour homes. The first meeting of the DLT Committee is set for Monday, May 18th @ 6:00 pm. Location for the meeting will soon be determined and announced in an upcoming e-Blast. The meeting will last no more than an hour. If you have an interest in being a sponsor or showing your home, please contact Lindsay.
The DANA Board of Directors, with input from DANA Membership, enthusiastically voted to endorse Chris Riley for Austin City Council Place 1. Riley would bring extensive knowledge and experience to City Council. Chris founded the Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association (DANA), co-founded the Alliance for Public Transportation and Austin CarShare. He has served on the Planning Commission, the Downtown Commission and on the Austin Parks Foundation Board. Chris understands the economic and societal benefits of developing a green economy here in Central Texas. All of Austin will be well served by electing Chris to our City Council.
The Board also voted to endorse Council Member Sheryl Cole for Austin City Council Place 6. She currently serves on City Council and has proven repeatedly that she understands a vibrant urban core benefits all of Austin. She has also been a strong champion for the Waller Creek Project, the largest economic development project in Austin currently. She has led the way toward a downtown parks and open spaces master plan as part of the Downtown Austin Plan. Council Member Cole has proven herself a leader in the City’s budgeting process. We look forward to working with her for many years to come.
For the mayoral race, the discussion centered on two candidates. Council Member Brewster McCracken has been a long time advocate for downtown and environmentally friendly smart density. He has a clear vision for the city’s economic growth with an emphasis on high-tech related job growth for the region. Council Member Lee Leffingwell has been a strong and steady leader on the Austin City Council. He particularly emphasizes public safety, the environment, and local job creation. We encourage you to learn more about each of these candidates.
Voting Information: For complete voting information, including polling locations and sample ballot, visit the Travis County Clerk Election Website.
Polls are open now through Tuesday, May 5th. Map of Early Voting Locations courtesy of Elisa Hu.
Election Day is Saturday, May 9th. Please Vote!
Board member Marshall Jones wants to get this message across: Stop giving change to make a real change when it comes to panhandling! Numerous studies have concluded that giving money, or anything of “street value”, to a panhandler usually enables bad habits such as alcoholism, drug abuse and black marketeering.
Working with members of 6ixth Street Austin, Austin Convention Center and Visitors Bureau, Austin Police Department, Austin Resource Center for the Homeless, Downtown Austin Alliance, Trinity Center and others, DANA is preparing for a Panhandling Solution Campaign to inform residents, workers and visitors to downtown to “stop giving change to make a real change!”
To learn more about what is going on to prevent crime downtown, visit The website is made possible by DANA and downtown residents like you. If you would like to be a contributor to the website, please contact Marshall Jones. Do you tweet? Follow us on Twitter @dtacp.
Lastly, the Austin Police Department (APD) has announced it will join Travis County in launching a new alert system known as the CitizenObserver. The crime alert system allows APD employees to send timely notifications to thousands of people via email and text message. To learn more about CitizenObserver and to sign up to receive alerts, click here.
Why Downtown?
Why do you live, work, play or love downtown? Branden Allmon answers the question this month. Branden grew up in Big Springs, Texas, and he got here as quickly as he could. He has lived downtown for 2 years. Branden works as a Network Consultant, or in layman’s terms, he describes himself as an IP Network Plumber. If you have not met Branden yet, make a point of it at the next Urban Core Event!
I have been trying to sum up my reasons for wanting to come live in this community in a word, and the word is “complacent”. I chose suburbia out of misguided beliefs. Having grown up in a smaller town I always enjoyed the benefits of a yard over an apartment pool. Finding a nice home in a small community seemed to be the right move. At first it was great, but something was missing. Eventually I put it all together. I was missing the camaraderie. I was missing the contact with new and exciting people. I had become complacent. A great friend helped me realize that moving downtown was the solution.
Downtown Austin provides everything I have been seeking in life. The reason I came to central Texas was to experience more than my small town upbringing. Moving downtown was the next exciting step in that growth process. Every moment has been worthwhile. I feed off of the energy that radiates from this vibrant city-core. My many moods are all nurtured here – from the Farmers Market to the ACL Festival. My apathy is gone. My priorities are in line with my community. I again want to be involved, to see, to explore and to participate in the life around me.
One simple night in our lovely city has become a lasting memory and a clear example of why you’ll have to drag me kicking and screaming out of downtown. The evening started as a simple meal at Zax with my fiancé and future sister-in-law. As we were enjoying the walk home, we were presented with a fantastic fireworks display celebrating the grand opening of the Long Center. For me, this is a quintessential example of what can happen when you live in the middle of such a lively city. Any night may be filled with fireworks!
Special Thanks This month’s contributors were Josh Allen, Branden Allmon, Roger Cauvin, Ruth Framel, Marshall Jones, Jamie Lagarde and Lindsay Wiebrand.
DANA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play downtown. DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.
Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 997, Austin, TX 78767
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Copyright © 2009 Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, All rights reserved.
April 2009
APRIL 2009
Vol. 3, Issue 4
COORDINATED URBAN CANDIDATE FORUM Saturday, April 4, 2009 10:30 am to Noon – City Council Candidate Q&A Noon to 1:30 pm – Mayoral Candidate Q&A St. David’s Episcopal Church, Sumner’s Hall, 304 E. 7th Street (map)
Please join us this Saturday, April 4th as we co-host a forum to learn where the city council and mayoral candidates stand on the issues that affect Austin and its urban core. The candidates will discuss issues such as economic development, the livability of the downtown neighborhood, public spaces, urban rail and parking. Complimentary coffee, water and light appetizers will be provided by El Sol y La Luna and the Texas Picnic Company.
DANA is co-hosting this forum with 6ixth Street Austin, Alliance for Public Transportation, Austin Metro Trails and Greenways, Austin Parks Foundation,, Congress for New Urbanism (CNU), Downtown Austin Alliance (DAA), Original Austin Neighborhood Association (OANA) and Rail4Real.
Please consider using Capital Metro’s trip planner to arrive at the forum, and all DANA events, without the use of your car. Paid parking will be available in the St. David’s garage. Enter the church at the intersection of 8th & San Jacinto.
DOWNTOWN LIVING TOUR DATE SET FOR OCTOBER 11TH We have set the date! The 2009 Downtown Living Tour (DLT) will be held on Sunday, October 11th. The planning has begun and the DLT Planning Committee will be led by DANA Board Member, Lindsay Wiebrand. She is ready to start assembling her team, partnering with sponsors and to begin the process of selecting tour homes. If you have an interest in participating in the DLT in any capacity, including showing your home, please contact Lindsay!
URBAN CORE HAPPY HOUR: RSVP by April 7th Thursday, April 9, 2009 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm SoCo Designs @ 450 W 2nd Street (map)
DANA Members, please join us at SoCo Designs for this month’s Urban Core Happy Hour. SoCo Designs is your source for hand crafted traditional and contemporary rugs from all over the world. They also feature a wide selection of custom textiles and flooring options.
Sponsoring this month’s event is Barton Place Condominiums, a new condominium community at the center of all that’s uniquely Austin. It’s more than an address; it’s a connection to the spirit of the Capital city.

ART+STYLE 09 LEADS TO ART CITY AUSTIN 09 2ND Street District Hearts DANA! Every Wednesday evening beginning April 8th through April 22nd, something special is planned in the 2nd Street District. Click here to learn what is happening each week.
These weekly events lead up to Art City Austin 09 to be held April 25-26. This annual art extravaganza, taking place on the banks of Lady Bird Lake, showcases the talents of 200+ juried artists, live music, local culinary treats, children’s activities and much more.
For DANA Members Only – Be on the lookout for a special e-Blast offering current DANA Members access to a DANA Members-only happy hour, special savings on Art Alliance Austin Collector’s Badge purchases, and a chance for those who purchase Art After Dark tickets to be upgraded to Collector’s Badges in a special drawing on April 8th. Remember, you must be a current DANA Member to receive this special e-Blast, so join now!
If you have been waiting to become a DANA Member, or if your membership has expired, now is the time to join and enjoy the benefits of membership.
A recent Downtown Austin study recommended the formation of a neighborhood watch or a more community-centric policing effort. Last year DANA strategically placed 22 new Neighborhood Watch signs around the Central Business District (CBD). DANA’s intention has always been to follow up with a Neighborhood Watch Group. On Tuesday, March 10, 2009 DANA arranged a meeting between the Austin Police Department (APD) and community stakeholders at the Hilton Austin. Different types of crime were discussed as well as ways to best manage each type. All participants agreed that crime, real or perceived, is equally destructive to the community’s safety, value and reputation.
Together we have identified five areas to focus on: drug abuse and trafficking, aggressive pan-handling, neighborhood watch, social norming and hosting a downtown-wide crime prevention forum. A new website,, has been developed to help us communicate with residents interested in downtown crime prevention. Link to the new website and read the ”
Crime is Like a Roach” article, which includes a KVUE video featuring Marshall Jones and DANA’s efforts to address crime downtown. If you or others want to be involved, contact Marshall Jones. As always, APD stressed the importance of calling 911 when a crime is in progress, once it is safe to do so. Not only is it the best way to resolve the issue immediately, it is the strongest measure the police department has to monitor where crime is occurring, which leads to better enforcement in the area. Any person witnessing a property crime, assault, drug-related issue or illegal pan-handling should immediately call 911!
Why Downtown?
Why do you live, work, play or love downtown? Answering the question this month is Lindsay Wiebrand. Lindsay currently serves on the DANA Board of Directors in many capacities. She has participated as a sponsor of the DLT for several years, and last year hosted one of the most popular stops on the tour! Her condo was so much fun, that participants lingered. That is what we call Downtown Austin style hospitality!
Having attended Texas State University, I became very familiar with downtown Austin as I was immediately drawn to its nightlife. After graduation, I lived in the subtle suburbs of Round Rock. The picket fences and cookie cutter homes were nice and cozy, but my energetic self pined for a livelier lifestyle. So 10 months ago, I packed up my fat cat and brown dog and moved downtown.
In my short time here, I’ve become an active member of my new neighborhood. Many of my clients reside downtown, which makes working even easier. On Friday afternoons, I park my car at 5pm and I don’t have to drive a single mile until Monday morning. Living in downtown Austin is like having the world at my fingertips. Fresh veggies on Saturday mornings, cold beer on an outdoor patio, eclectic boutiques, fine food, friendly service and an inviting park on the lake – all just steps outside of my home.
Downtown Austin is a quaint neighborhood sprinkled with visitors from all around. It’s like we’re in our own little world being hugged by a big city. So I sit here relaxing and reflecting on Downtown and why I love it. My windows are open to let the brisk air in and I can smell Whole Foods cooking up some yummy goodness. I see people strolling along enjoying a latte and each other’s company. And I hear a band playing a mellow tune at the bar downstairs. This is exactly why I love Downtown Austin.
Special Thanks This month’s contributors were Branden Allmon, Roger Cauvin, Ruth Framel, Jennifer Jones, Marshall Jones and Lindsay Wiebrand.
DANA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play downtown. DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.
Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 997, Austin, TX 78767
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Copyright © 2009 Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, All rights reserved.
February 2009
February 2009
Vol. 3, Issue 2
URBAN CORE HAPPY HOUR: Please RSVP by Feb. 9th Thursday, February 12, 2009 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Blu @ 360 Nueces Street. (map)
Please join us at Blu Cafe, Bar and Lounge for this month’s Urban Core Happy Hour on Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 PM. Blu is located at the 360 Condominiums. Sponsoring this month’s event will be 360 Condominiums, where life surrounds you.
Avoid parking hassles and consider planning your trip using Cap Metro’s trip planner.

DANA PROVIDES WATER TO THIRSTY RUNNERS Would you like to participate in The Austin Marathon & Half Marathon, taking place on February 15th, but you forgot to start training months ago? Our friends at Caritas have asked DANA members to help pass out water to runners at the event. Many shifts are available throughout the morning. Contact Lindsay Wiebrand to sign up. This is a great opportunity to participate and have a front row seat to the action.
DANA PARTICIPATES IN DOWNTOWN AUSTIN PLAN The City of Austin and ROMA Design Group, with the help of HR&A Advisors, has begun work on Phase Two of the Downtown Austin Plan (DAP). At the urging of DANA, the City has charged ROMA with developing distinct districts downtown and to develop design and form guidelines for each district. DANA has met with ROMA and HR&A Advisors to discuss our goals for the Core, Northwest and Uptown Districts. We are very excited about the direction the plan is taking and we look forward to more work on the DAP this year! For more information on the DAP, click here.
DANA VOLUNTEERS WITH CARITAS Kudos to DANA members Monica Pizani, Walt Tashnick, Jennifer Wiebrand, Lindsay Wiebrand, and Ruth Framel, who helped In the Caritas Community Kitchen in January. Every weekday Caritas respectfully serves lunch to nearly 400 people.
DANA has committed to serving meals on the first Friday of every month. The shifts are from 9:30-11:30 and 11:30-1:30. Are you interested in making a difference downtown? Contact Lindsay Wiebrand to join your neighbors in this worthwhile and fun activity.
LOWER SHOAL CREEK CLEANUP DAY PLANNED Mark your calendar for March 7, 2009! It’s My Park Day, organized by the Austin Parks Foundation, is an annual community service day focused on improvements to Austin’s park system. There are park clean-up events happening all over Austin. Our own board member, Greg Anderson, is hosting the Lower Shoal Creek Clean Up. There will be music, drinks, snacks, trash bags and fun provided for the whole family. For more information, or to sign up, click here.
CAPITAL METRORAIL OPEN HOUSES Capital Metro invites the community to one of five open houses at neighborhood MetroRail stations in February. Check out the train, pick up a schedule, learn to use the new ticket vending machines and get all your questions answered. The Downtown Station open house is Feb. 27th, 2 PM- 7 PM. For more information, click here.
DOWNTOWN AUSTIN EMERGING PROJECTS – UPDATED POSTER The City of Austin periodically publishes a poster of emerging projects. The latest version was just released. The latest version shows projects under construction or being planned in Downtown Austin.
DANA ELECTS NEW BOARD MEMBERS In January we held our Annual Meeting at Ballet Austin and elected the following new Board members to serve for 2009 – 2011: Josh Allen, Greg Anderson, Randy Hammelman, Larry Schooler and Lindsay Wiebrand. We reelected the following Board members for a second term: Roger Cauvin, Jamie Lagarde, Will Steakley and David Weaver. Rounding out the board are current members: Jude Galligan, Shyama Golden, Marshall Jones and Bill McCann. Thanks go out to retiring Board members Jim Furrow, Rob McDaniel and Michael McGill. These dedicated men and women make DANA work for the benefit of all.
Why Downtown?
Why do you live, work, play or love downtown? Answering this question is newly elected DANA Board of Directors President, Jamie Lagarde.
I have lived in Austin for 12 years, but four years ago when I moved downtown, I found my home. Downtown Austin is a unique neighborhood quilted together of smaller neighborhoods, each possessing its own identity and distinction. We live in the heart of A
ustin’s culture and vibe, from where the best of our music, arts, food and wine flow. Downtown offers races for runners and bars for beer drinkers. Where else can you have all this, and still ride a bicycle to a UT game and enjoy Lady Bird Lake in your backyard? For me, it was an easy decision to move downtown, and I am honored to do my part to make downtown Austin a better place for everyone.
Special Thanks This month’s contributors were Greg Anderson, Ruth Framel, Jude Galligan, Marshall Jones, Jamie Lagarde and Lindsay Wiebrand.
DANA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play downtown. DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.
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Copyright (C) 2009 Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved. |
March 2009
MARCH 2009
Vol. 3, Issue 3
URBAN CORE HAPPY HOUR: Please RSVP by March 10th Thursday, March 12, 2009 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Shoreline Grill @ 98 San Jacinto Blvd. (map)
Please join us at Shoreline Grill for this month’s Urban Core Happy Hour. The Shoreline has a new chef eager to show off his talents. Our business sponsor this month is MileMeter Insurance, a company that believes if you drive less, you should pay less!

Don’t just read about DANA Happenings – Join DANA Now! – and participate in our Urban Core Events as well as our efforts to make Downtown the Best Neighborhood in Austin.
CAPITAL METRO NEWS OF NOTE Are you thinking green and want to dump the pump? Do you want to plan your trip to the Urban Core Happy Hour using mass transit? Do you want to know more about the upcoming launch of the Capital MetroRail Red Line? Are you curious about the ‘Dillo Hop ‘n Shop program? Click here to learn about all the above and more.
DANA BOARD OF DIRECTORS KNOWS HOW TO WORK AS A TEAM In an attempt to create better synergy and participation within the whole organization, the Board of Directors has combined all the former committees into 3 new teams to address the various areas of service within DANA. The teams are divided into the Executive Team, the Social Team and the Urban Living Team.
Members are invited to join these teams if they would like to take a more active role in DANA. To see which directors are serving in which areas, click here. To volunteer, contact one of the board members on the team you would like to join.
DANA SOCIAL TEAM WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS The Social Team members, functioning as their social selves, have already added four new DANA members to their team. The Social Team welcomes Branden Allmon, Jennifer Jones, Doug Laford and Bonsack Phrasavath.
ONGOING CALENDAR ITEMS DANA Board of Directors meet the first Tuesday of every month, 6:30 PM @ Urbanspace, 801 West 5th Street, #100. Members are always welcome.
DANA serves in the Caritas Community Kitchen the first Friday of every month. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.
SUPPORT OUR DANA SPONSORS Each of us has an opportunity to be influential downtown through our business and purchasing choices. DANA strongly encourages you to support those who support us. Please check frequently to see who supports DANA, and whenever possible, support them in return.
WHAT TO DO ABOUT CRIME? Call 911 if you see any criminal activity in progress. Criminal activity includes graffiti in progress, fighting, aggressive pan-handling (including people verbally abusing those around them or shouting obscenities), drug dealing, noise disturbances and more.
Call 311 to report a non-emergency crime that has already occurred. This number may also be used to report unsafe road conditions.
DANA’s Urban Living Team is hosting a preliminary meeting with the Austin Police Department, HOA managers and condo board representatives this month in preparation for a Crime Watch Forum for all DANA members, downtown residents, property owners and stakeholders. We plan to set goals and action items at this first meeting and look forward to working closely with all our neighbors to keep downtown one of the safest neighborhoods in the city. Be on the lookout in future DANA communications for information about our upcoming Crime Watch Forum.
Why Downtown?
Why do you live, work, play or love downtown? Answering the question this month is Bonsack Phrasavath. Bonsack is a longtime DANA member and is currently serving on the Social Team. Those who know Bonsack can attest to his inate design and fashion sense, and his ability to make those around him feel comfortable. What is little known is that Bonsack recently designed an award winning garden plot on the new Pfluger Bridge!
They say, “It’s the little things in life that make it all worth while.” I’ve come to the realization that truer words have never been spoken. Living downtown, I’ve discovered that life’s little surprises have without a doubt enriched
my life. It’s the simple pleasure of having friends drop in for a quick drink, or hosting an impromptu dinner for six. Strike that – make it eight.
It’s the thrill of having a neighbor offer tickets to a sold out show I’ve been dying to see. It’s the joy of having a conversation with a complete stranger and making a new lifelong friend. It’s the gratitude received when I help a stranger or a friend. It’s being star struck when walking down the street and running into a celebrity. It’s having difficulty deciding on the numerous activities available when I flip open the Chronicle.
It’s the excitement of meeting the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. It’s the delight of seeing his face light up like a five year old on Christmas when we stumble across a hen on Town Lake. It’s these unassuming experiences that make living downtown vibrant, exciting, and new. Some say, “Why downtown?” I say, “Why not expect the unexpected.”
Special Thanks This month’s contributors were Ruth Framel, Shyama Golden, Jennifer Jones, Marshall Jones, Jamie Lagarde, Bill McCann, Bonsack Phrasavath and David Weaver.
DANA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play downtown. DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.
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Copyright © 2009 Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, All rights reserved. |
January 2009
Vol. 3, Issue 1 – Happy New Year!
URBAN CORE HAPPY HOUR: Please RSVP by January 11th Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Ballet Austin Butler Dance Education Center @ 501 W. 3rd Street. (map)
Welcome to 2009, a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. Join us for our annual DANA membership meeting on Tuesday, January 13th at 6:30 PM. The meeting will take place at the beautiful Ballet Austin Butler Dance Education Center. In addition to our usual Urban Core Happy Hour mix and mingle, we will elect new members to the DANA Board of Directors. Come help us plan for another great year downtown.
Avoid parking hassles and plan your trip to the meeting using Cap Metro’s trip planner.
DANA SUPPORTS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS Many thanks to Jamie Lagarde for serving on the Street Closure Task Force these past few months, and also thanks go out to DANA members who submitted their thoughts and recommendations. The DANA Board of Directors has issued a letter to Mayor Wynn and City Council approving the recommendations made by the Task Force.
DANA VOLUNTEERS WITH CARITAS Are you aware that DANA members volunteer to serve meals at Caritas regularly? If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of serving in this capacity, please make it a priority in 2009. Jenny and Lindsay Wiebrand will soon be streamlining the DANA volunteer process to make it easier for you to become involved with this worthy organization. If you would like to volunteer or be involved with the planning process, contact Lindsay Wiebrand.
CORE DISTRICT ADVISORY GROUP FORMING The City of Austin is calling for the formation of a District Advisory Group for the Core District of downtown Austin, as defined in the Downtown Austin Plan Phase One report. A major recommendation by ROMA, the City’s consultant for the Downtown Austin Plan, is to create distinct districts based on the form and character of each area of Downtown. Each district will have its own set of goals and priorities, desired land uses, density bonus provisions, and design standards. DANA board members are planning to be involved in this group, as well as any other groups formed to represent downtown districts.
Why Downtown?
Thank you, gentle readers, for your positive feedback on the “Why Downtown?” segment. If you would like to tell your story, please contact Ruth Framel.
Telling their story about living and loving Downtown Austin this month are Natalie and Dale Glover. As longtime downtown residents, they have witnessed development and change. And more personally, they have experienced transformation and growth…
Downtown was a little different almost a decade ago when we jumped from the dorm room to loft life.
We understood that our environment helps shape who we are ::
Surrounded by fellow Downtown Austin pioneers, we proceeded to explore our surroundings. We absorbed the socio-economic diversity, amazing live music, healthy nightlife, wonderful restaurants, a lake and trail that could only come out of a dream, and a Capitol lawn perfect for summer picnics. We were students and Downtown Austin was our teacher. We became expert bus riders, nightlife royalty, passionate lakeside runners and advocates of the sustainable urban lifestyle.
Just as Downtown has gone through a continuous evolution, so have we.
We now recognize that we can truly help shape our environment ::
Natalie and I both juggle civic volunteering, full time jobs, and still have some time to relax with a glass of wine and a view of the sunset overlooking Lady Bird Lake, the Long Center and the Hill Country.
I spend a lot of time as a board member of the Austin Parks Foundation and active member of Downtown Austin Alliance. I also serve as the Vice President of Texas Crew Foundation and support various open space initiatives. Recently I joined a youthful and energized downtown commercial real estate firm, Tribeca Company, where I focus on pulling together deals for sustainable real estate developments.
Natalie leads the Austin branch of AMS, a creative multimedia firm. Her team specializes in media that matters, providing communication tools that support education leaders statewide. Natalie spends her extra time fueling her passion for lighting. Most recently, she has joined fellow urban dweller, Lindsay Burns, in developing threshold, a furniture and design studio, set to open in March of 2009.
Downtown Austin has been a wonderful teacher. We look forward to our continued urban education and are excited about new opportunities in 2009 to give back to the neighborhood we cherish.
Special Thanks This month’s contributors were Ruth Framel, Natalie and Dale Glover, Lindsay Wiebrand and the ubiquitous Marshall Jones.
DANA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play downtown.
DANA influences decisions that affect downtown, educates and listens to residents and stakeholders about downtown and issues that affect them, and fosters a downtown community through social events.
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Copyright (C) 2009 Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved. |