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Start the New Year Off by Volunteering at Caritas this Friday, January 7th

Hello Friends!
Happy New Year!!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!
If you’re interested in spreading a little more cheer, please join myself as DANA volunteers at the Caritas Community Kitchen this Friday, January 7th.
Easy shifts are available from 9am-11am and 11am-1pm.  Please let me know if you’re available!
Thanks so much for your participation!!
Lindsay Wiebrand


DANA Letter on Outdoor Music Venues to Mayor and City Council

Click Here
for a downloadable PDF of the letter.
For comments or questions please email info@downtownaustin.org.



Homeless Count 2011 Volunteers Needed


Active Links: http://www.traviscountyhomelesscount.org/ and austinhomelesscount@gmail.com



DANA at the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar

DANA Members wil be manning one of the Community Booths at the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar this Saturday, December 18th from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Take a break from all the shopping, eating, and music enjoyment to stop by and say "Hello". You might even score a 2010 Downtown Living Tour bag to help you carry home all your new goodies!

Hope to see you there!





Special Holiday Movies In Park!

A holiday double feature, not to be missed:  The original animated The Grinch that Stole Christmas (1964) followed by Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer (1966). The Austin Parks Foundation and Alamo Drafthouse will be setting up in Republic Square for a special family-friendly continuation of their popular Movies in The Park Series on the evening of December 16th at 7pm.  Stop by and bring the whole family!

When: Thursday, December 16th at 7:00 PM
Where: Republic Square



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