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A Message from the President – Sept. 2019

The Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association is the primary voice for residents of downtown Austin, being the neighborhood association that encompasses all of downtown. We recognize our diversity of interests and we strive to be knowledgeable and influential for all of our members.  We have been working diligently in the areas that you, our members, have indicated are of most concern to you as we work to keep our wonderful Austin a safe, vibrant, neighborhood respecting the need for safety and serenity for all of our neighbors.

Based on your responses to our survey the homeless situation, traffic and scooters, (all safety and quality of life issues),  have been our area of focus in the last 4 months. Other areas of your concerns included amplified sound issues and general movability.

We have written letters to the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and Council expressing our deep concerns over the present homeless situation.  All of our letters are available in google docs. Here is an excerpt of our position on homelessness:

Our survey of over 300 downtown residents, including many DANA members, indicated that approximately 50% of respondents listed homelessness as the most important issue affecting their quality of life downtown.

Additionally, approximately over 75% of respondents were opposed to amending these ordinances believing that they will become unenforceable. We asked them why they were in favor or opposed, and their responses include a range of diverse concerns and perspectives with a strong focus on safety concerns.DANA believes that the real solution to chronic homelessness in Austin is to provide adequate housing and a myriad of social services to all who need them.  We recognize this is a generational challenge and not a quick fix. We recognize the Council’s intent and action to take small steps to help those of our neighbors who must seek refuge outdoors and in public spaces. Nonetheless, we share the concerns of many downtown residents that the proposed amendments of long-standing ordinances enacted to protect our citizens and our public spaces have taken place without a meaningful, robust discussion involving all stakeholders who have information and intent to solve these problems. We believe that solutions to the complex problem of homelessness will require a longer period of planning and input from thought leaders, government and business.We believe it’s important that we revisit our statutes periodically and discuss and build consensus to modify them as appropriate, incorporating input and data. It’s clear from the results of our survey that a consensus has not been achieved.We urge Council to preserve the dignity of all residents, help those in urgent need, improving their quality of life day-to-day, with a focus on placing them in long-term housing, to bring the full resources and creativity of our community to bear in doing so, and to communicate repeatedly to the public the scale of this challenge and our commitment to meeting it.

Eileen and Kimberly attended the day into the night Council Meeting where the ordinances were amended.  Both Eileen and Kimberly spoke to our concerns at approximately 10:30 pm.

Eileen was part of 2 part panel at KVUT including the Mayor, Chief Manley, Council member Kitchen, members from the DAA, The Arch, 2 Homeless Neighbors and  Community Organizations discussing the homelessness issue and safety concerns.

Eileen and Kimberly attended a Town Hall to learn about any present solutions to the homeless situation.

Kimberly attended a downtown town hall and asked if the downtown area could be considered for a carve out due to safety issues, (we are the most dense area).

Eileen met with Council member Tovo to discuss the homeless issues suggesting a carve out,   for camping and sit/lie due to safety concerns in various places, while the city comes up with shelter and hygiene solutions.  

Please contact Eileen or Kimberly for further details.

We have written a letter to the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and Council, concerning parking regulations.   We have also written a letter concerning our provisional recommendations for the Land Development Code. The policy committee, Chaired by Dan Keschet,  has been meeting with the DAA and other concerned parties. Dan has been working overtime on provisional recommendations for the Land Development Code supporting zoning conducive to both density and a wide mix of uses, especially residential; density supportive infrastructure, including high capacity and multi-modal transportation options; a robust network of parks and other public spacers for everyone to enjoy. Please contact Dan for further details. We are all really grateful for the amount of time the policy committee has dedicated to issues. You can also contact Philip Wiley, who has been very involved as well.

Eileen met with Council member Tovo and shared the Executive Summary of our Survey to really highlight the dangers of scooters on busy streets whose operators often do not abide by safe practices.  DANA recognized the usefulness of scooters for the “last mile” of a commute but shares our neighbors concerns that the sidewalks are not safe with the present lack of real enforcement.

Amplified Sound
DANA has sent a letter to the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and Council, supporting any new efforts that would decrease sound impact, improve response times, increase efficiency, and reduce complaints.  Our Sound Chair, Angela Hovis, has been working diligently with the available resources to mitigate this problem.  Please contact Angela for further details, she is very knowledgeable in this domain.

Our Social Committee has provided us with several enjoyable UCHH experiences and gratefully, sponsors.  Sponsors defray the costs of the UCHH for DANA. Please contact our Chair Staci Livesay for further details.  

The safety committee has been focusing on scooters, sound, multi modal transportation and general livability downtown.  For further details please contact our Chair, Kristina Witt.

As a volunteer organization, we welcomed a new volunteer to help us in this regard.  I am not certain that he wishes us to share his name but he is helping us along with our board member, Tanner Long.  Please contact Tanner or Staci for further details.

Adam Levinson capably takes care of our finances.

Additional Letters to the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and Council
Parking regulations for downtownSupport for motorized PediCabsSupport for the Pedestrian Advisory Committee Plan for Flexibility for Congress Avenue.

I would like to thank all of our board members for their volunteer work to try to keep Austin the special place we love. We rely on our memberships to keep us a viable operation and we do not have any administrative help.  I would like to thank our V.P. Kimberly Levinson, for always being ready to “step up”.

And, thanks to our members, neighbors and friends who trust us and inspire us to work together.

-Eileen McPhillips Portner, President DANA Board of Directors

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